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Friday, 29 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbs for Firmer Younger Looking Skin

In the interminable quest for healthy and beautiful skin, Ayurveda offers an alternative to chemical and otherwise unnatural ingredients found in most commercial beauty products. The FDA requires their products to be labeled "dietary supplements," yet Ayurveda practitioners experience improvements in a variety of skin ailments.

  1. How it Works

    • Monguba
      Ayurvedic cosmetic treatments use herbs and exotic plants to focus on the freeing of toxins, cellular nutrition and energetic rebalancing to rejuvenate and restore skin. Diet and lifestyle play a significant role as well.


    • Medicinal herbs
      Ayurveda works from the theory that healthy skin comes from the inside out. Practitioners use some topical treatments but ingested therapies made with herbs like Amalaki and Hartaki cleanse the blood to improve skin quality.


    • Tumeric among other healing herbs
      Tumeric is dubbed the "internal cosmetic," considered to be a powerful natural detoxifier and balancer. Make a paste with turmeric powder, nutmeg powder and milk for a facial masque or use it in your everyday cooking.

    Home Remedies

    • Aloe vera
      Pure almond oil and coconut oil as a topical nighttime treatment replenishes dry skin. Fresh aloe vera helps tighten pores and protect the skin.



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